Monday, August 23, 2010

Handmade Book: Parpaglione

When I'm not designing or printing things, I make handmade books! (And sometimes the three find themselves in the same project together). I finally found some spare time to photograph the awesome books I made in Lisa Kokin's class last semester, and I wanted to share a few here.

I believe this prompt was a 'Book Sculpture' (if you aren't familiar with this concept, check out Brian Dettmer). I had this tiny book, and a butterfly I found on the ground outside of Julie Chen's studio, so I thought a reliquary was in order.

The butterflies on the outside are from the innards I tore out of the book (it was an Italian Phrase book, thus the title "Parpaglione," which is the Italian word for 'Butterfly.'), and I painted the edges with gold acrylic.

Not pictured is the inside left of the book, which has a few more highlighted words from inside the dictionary.

I love the butterfly contrasting with the type, but I am a bit worried about it disintegrating over time since I didn't treat it with anything. Ah well, nothing is permanent!


  1. This is beyond cool, Stephanie.
    I think this should be in the upcoming gallery show as well! :)


  2. I don't think I ever saw this one finished. LOVE. I think the butterfly will be fine as long as you don't bang the book around too much. The scales are dry, so it's not going to rot or anything.

  3. Yeah, mostly I'm worried about it being eaten by beatles, but so far so good.
